The Total Wellness Cleanse

The Total Wellness Cleanse is the only the 100% food-based cleanse that safely restores your body’s natural vitality
so that you can lose weight, enjoy more energy, and get back to eating and feeling healthy.

Total Wellness Cleanse – Highest Converting Detox On CB

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Unlike most cleanses on the market, the Total Wellness Cleanse is 100% food-based. There are NO expensive pills, powders, or supplements to take.

Our 30-day program gives your body the exact nutrients it’s craving, in the way nature intended – through food – so that it can lose weight and improve your health, safely and effectively.

A healthy cleanse

Looking to lighten up before summer kicks off? Our healthy detox helps you lose a fast 5—without starvation!

Unlike those no-eating cleanses that leave you hungry and headachey, ours does the trick without deprivation. The secret? Yummy foods that are loaded with Resistant Starch (RS), a metabolism-boosting carb that keeps you feeling full longer. This CarbLovers “cleanse” gives you about 1,230 calories a day, including a Fat-Flushing Cooler that may help you burn an extra 80 calories daily.
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Stick with this plan for five days, and lose up to five pounds. (You can do it for up to seven days, max.)

Set aside a weekend, it’s time for spring cleaning — more accurately, spring cleansing –even though it is already summer. Perfect for the procrastinators among us.

Spring cleansing means detoxifying your body, says Linda Page, ND, PhD, a naturopathic doctor, lecturer, and author of the book Detoxification.

It’s a way to recharge, rejuvenate, and renew, says Page. “Anybody can benefit from a cleansing. The body is coming out of what might be called hibernation. It’s a way you can jump-start your body for a more active life, a healthier life.”

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